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Mit dem Stichelton zurück zu den Ursprüngen der britischen Blauschimmelkultur - ein Erfahrungsbericht! - Maître Philippe & Filles

With the grave tone back to the origins of the ...

Anais Causse

To cut a long story short. Stichelton is like Stilton, only better. Like Colston-Bassett's Stilton, the Stichelton is creamy and wonderfully mushroomy, but much more complex, with a wonderful depth...

Käse Lieferant

With the grave tone back to the origins of the ...

Anais Causse

To cut a long story short. Stichelton is like Stilton, only better. Like Colston-Bassett's Stilton, the Stichelton is creamy and wonderfully mushroomy, but much more complex, with a wonderful depth...